Our Services

We Provide all kind of Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services including;

Dry Cleaning

Dry Cleaning

We offer excellent dry cleaning services to customers. Whether it's your everyday wear or a special dress, say your wedding apparel, we can handle it all perfectly. Our experienced staff uses state of the art equipment including Renzacci dry cleaning machine and gentle supplies like PERC to clean your garment impeccably with no chances of any types of damage or discoloring.

No stain or mark can survive our dry cleaning process. And all this is done taking good care of the fabric. All types of fabrics are treated as per their sensitivity. While performing dry cleaning we also take care that the garments stay free from even slightest of the odors.

Laundry Service

Laundry Service

We offer immaculate laundry service through high quality washer extractors and filtered salt free water. The detergents used by us are of good quality which is both fabric friendly and skin friendly. We wash, iron and fold them carefully so that the garment looks new every time you wear them.

On Site Cleaning

On Site Cleaning

If you want us to visit your place and provide our services over there, we would really be more than happy to do that. We provide brilliant onsite cleaning services for homes, offices and car interiors through dexterous staff members and sophisticated portable equipment.

Bulk Business

Bulk Business

If you are a business organization like hotel or academic institution and outsource laundry or dry cleaning work in good volume, we can offer you the best deals to go for. TIMA Dry Cleaners & Laundry offers bulk business at very attractive rates.

Steam Press

Steam Press

Whether you are a business person, a self-employed or an employee at any level, personality pays a lot in career growth. And what you wear matters a lot here. Steam press service of TIMA Dry Cleaner & Laundry ensures that no wrinkle manages to hide from the eyes of our professionals. We use latest technology finishing equipment manufactured by Renzacci, the world famous manufacturers of garment care equipment, to provide flawless service.

Our Clients